Wednesday, January 6, 2010

New hotel

Checked into the cheapest hotel within walking distance of the clinic. Goodbye, Sara's Inn, hello No-Tell Motel. A sh!$&y hotel seems appropriate for bowel prep tomorrow. Here it is. Creepy.

Wait a minute, where have I seen that hallway before? Oh yeah, uh oh.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

Location:Holcombe Blvd,Houston,United States


Anonymous said...

I'm following you journey. I was diagnosed last month.

Dan said...

Send an email if you want any more info. also, sign up for the bellybuttons club, see my links on the right side of my blog, lots of great info there from other patients. Not every doctor can treat this, no matter what they say! Good luck to you!

Kristin Skrien said...

Red Rum, Red Rum.

Spooky, that scene and those words will haunt me forever! :-)
