Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Clean scans....

See you next year, MD Anderson.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

Location:Bates,Houston,United States

Sunday, September 9, 2012

Annual Check-Up

I don't think many people read this blog anymore, and that's okay. I'm only keeping it alive for those people who are newly diagnosed (or their caregivers), for when they are desperately googling for help. I've tried to link to the standard, good resources.

Anyhow, I arrived in Houston this morning, tests tomorrow, results Tuesday morning. My MOAS was January 8, 2010. So 2.67 years ago, or so.

I haven't been down here in a year. It is a bit unnerving, I guess, to be back. Probably always will be. But it is also a moment to reflect, in a positive way. I have to remember that!

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

Location:Holcombe Blvd,Houston,United States

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

See you later, buddy.

Well, the past several days have sucked. Rarely does a man of the cloth bring good news when he knocks on your door past bedtime. Troy W. Tousey.

I had the honor of being one of the speakers at his memorial service. Some random thoughts: Sheboygan, obviously being a good place to live, seems to be a good place to die, too. The number of friends and neighbors who swarmed Marci and the twins was unbelievable. They had the right mix of hugging, sympathy, etc. with digging in and getting shit done. Rev. Jim and Rev. Julia (UCC) were and are incredible. Troy and Marci's families, you guessed it, fantastic. 

Terribly, terribly sad--but I think I left the service somehow feeling uplifted, and motivated. Weird, but what else can you do? 

Damn. I'll miss this guy. Rev. Jim said it best: "He was the coolest guy we knew." More than a few beers were shared over deep conversations. Enjoy seeing the universe, buddy. We'll keep an eye on the kids, that's what the neighborhood is for, right? 

Thursday, May 24, 2012

This blog is Google's number 1 link if you search for barium sulfate suspension banana.

I'm so proud.


PS: Also the number one hit for is the ukraine government hiding something about Chernoybl. WTF? But for PMP doctor I'm ranked number 2 with Google Australia! Hello down there. Same for red balloon hallucination, ranked No. 2 in the US and UK. (Who searches for that, really?)

Friday, March 16, 2012

Dear Anonymous

I couldn't respond directly to you because you commented anonymously. I just wanted to say I hope your husband continues to do well, and thanks for the note! Dan

Friday, February 24, 2012

Hot Chemo (HIPEC)

Check this out--Calgary's own Caylee, on the youtube (it seems as though from a local news program?). Hi Caylee, you look great!

This is a good video, it will provide some solid information about the process.

Sunday, January 8, 2012

Happy 2nd Birthday!

Two years ago was my big surgery. I feel great. Last fall I was put on a once a year scan schedule for monitoring purposes, and my health is excellent--better than it has been in years, even before cancer.

A big thanks to everyone--my parents and siblings and the rest of my family and friends! There is no way I can every repay everyone for what they did for me.

No scans or doctor visits until next September.

Later. Much to do.
